Thursday 6 May 2010

The Modeling Begins

Using the images given to me by Husband and Carpenter Chris and I began to model the basic structure of the building using simple cubes and polygonal shapes. We just wanted to create the essence of the building. Creating details like window frames and panel work didn't enter the modeling phase at this stage as we wanted to focus our attention to the dimensions of the build and its framework. The building's width and height were the most crucial aspects to get right at this early stage in the project. If the building was created in a way that didn't represent the images early on this could cause major problems further on in the build. 

Progress was slow at this stage but this was due to miss reading the images as our architectural knowledge was poor. We found it difficult to read each elevation and there were discrepancies in the model. At one stage we had to completely rebuild the model because it did not resemble the drawings in any way. We found that we included too many faces for a building that is largely a basic cube in shape and we were making it more complicated than it actually was. However, we overcame this issue by asking our mother to help us in understanding the drawings and how the lower levels of the hotel related to the levels above it.

Here is an early screenshot of the building in its early stages of the blockout process. You will notice that minimal detail has been added at this time. 

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